Thursday, April 3, 2014



Night three with the CPAP was awesome. I was so tired that I'd fallen asleep earlier sitting up in my chair, so it probably helped that I could barely keep my eyes open. I managed to get to sleep pretty quickly, I woke a few times and at least once had to readjust the nasal pillows (turns out if it's getting loud it's because they aren't in right) but basically slept through until 6am. That is SEVEN HOURS sleep! With only maybe three waking interruptions. How amazing is that?

I took of the CPAP then because I felt wide awake and didn't think I'd get back to sleep but then I did, for another hour or so. It was a dark rainy morning which made sleeping in easy. If you count that, although presumably I was doing the apnoea thing every few minutes, that is 8 hours sleep.

The CPAP hardly bothered me at all, so I am getting used to it already. Huge leap from yesterday.

I felt hardly at all inclined to snap the children's heads off this morning which was a welcome change. I was still pretty tired from about 11am but I can't catch up months of poor sleep all in one night. I can see a light at the end of the tunnel. Or rather a darkness, of closed eyelids.

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