My weight has been down since I got back from China a week and a half ago; variously 81.4, 80.1, 80.7, 80.9, and today 80.2kg which is pretty great. I hope it's not just from all the illness! Probably is, but maybe I can keep it down. Nearly under the magic 80 mark. And that is my home scales, which always weigh more heavily than the one at the gym. Of course I haven't been to the gym yet.
My stomach was still unsettled yesterday but today I think I am back to just my head cold: runny nose, headache, and sore throat.
I am really busy with my freelance work; I suddenly have 3 clients, 2 due at the end of the month and the other was too but I managed to move him back a couple of weeks. I'vew lost some time through illness. So I will be doing some work on weekends. Trouble is, school holidays have just started so my child-free time has gone out the window - how did I get into this mess? I'll just have to work when I can.
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