Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Day off


I had a day off from exercise today, even though I've only done two days so far. I don't have the car on Wednesdays so couldn't get to the gym, but also it's a good break for my body. Not so much my muscles, they were all ok today, but other things like the spot under my left arm where my bra rubbed when I was hot and sweaty on the rowing machine (that particular rowing action often gets me there) and the palms of my hands were not used to 20 mins elliptical and 20 mins rowing, grasping the handles. I know it sounds kind of silly, but I've talked before about my girly feet and I also have girly hands! I'm a writer, ok? my hands aren't used to anything tougher than floating over the keyboard. Once I tried to mow the lawn and got blisters on my hands. I need to toughen them up a bit, but not all at once. One day off will be enough, then back into it tomorrow.

I did do a tiny bit of weight lifting in the lounge room. I need some new free weights. Mine are only 1.5 kg each, too light, and my husband's are 5 kg each, too heavy. I need some that are just right! It was funny when I bought the 5 kg ones for my husband for Christmas, just getting the 10 kg home was so hard! Then wrapping them and getting them to the hotel as we were away that Christmas, and lugging the parcel from my suitcase to the little travel tree. I was so glad when they passed into his possession and were his problem.

I did some more revising on my novel today, and also finished re-reading a book in one of my favourite series ever, by Robin Hobb. There are several trilogies set in the same world with some of the same people. I was finishing the second trilogy about Fitz and the Fool, and I cried and cried. Some happy tears, some sad. I can never write that well, but I am going to give it my best shot. My work will be the best I can make it.

1 comment:

  1. Its so nice to connect with weight loss bloggers who are going through the same.
    Hope your rest day was great..have a killer work out tomorrow:)
