Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Double chocolate chip cookies


Oh, such a coughing and a sneezing and a blowing of noses in this house this morning!

Tim had the car today so it was another at/near home day. We did some colouring-in in the morning and I sent the kids outside for a while to jump on the trampoline while I watched last night's Masterchef. Jasmine cooked us macaroni and cheese (from a packet) for lunch, then we walked/rode to the nearest park for as long as I could stand being out in the cold. Which wasn't very long.

When we got back Jasmine wanted to do more cooking so I unleashed her on the kitchen and she made double chocolate chip cookies. She has a few things she cooks but I think this was the first time she cooked something entirely by herself following a proper recipe. I just moved the trays in and out of the oven for her. She made a huge mess, and they weren't exactly like when I make them, being rather plump, but they were pretty yummy!

She cleaned up, and then while I was cleaning up her cleaning up efforts I realised I was actually feeling pretty healthy! At some point during the day I had gone from woe is me huddled under a blanket in front of the TV, to nearly normal, without noticing until then. So that is awesome. Not 100%, but getting there. Hopefully I get through tonight without the stomach cramps I've been having every night.

Report card:
Diet: Ok, good apart from the macaroni cheese and double chocolate chip cookies!
Exercise: Ok, a very short walk.
Water: Ok.
Sleep: Poor.
Mental health: Good.

1 comment:

  1. Jasmine sounds like a darling girl to make both lunch and cookies for everyone. You're a kind mama as well! I think it's lovely that you encourage and help her with the pans and clean up. Please tell her one of your readers thinks the cookies look absolutely delicious and that she did a wonderful job!

    Glad to hear that you're feeling better!
