Thursday, June 30, 2016

One more sleep


One more sleep until my birthday! Since I opted to have a couple of celebrations here in the house instead of going out somewhere (I am also going out to dinner with just Tim and the kids), that means lots of cleaning! And shopping. Busy day. This afternoon we even unpacked the last moving box still sitting in Aiden's room. Do you know I think that is the last one, not counting the stack in the garage that may never be opened again. So there's an achievement.

I've decided to restart healthy eating on Monday. I can't delay forever. But I did use this week to eat up various things I had in the house, and I will be eating freely on the birthday weekend - but not so much I feel sick, it's a balance. I'll be eating normal amounts of real (favourite) food plus dessert and cake. Then Monday it's back to the grindstone.

School holidays is a tricky time to start, sure, but there never is a perfect time. I'll just have to be mostly strict, occasionally moderate - damn there is that word that I'm not good at. I'm more an 'all or nothing' kind of person. But one thing I'm determined on, I won't be bringing more junk into the house. If I do have a treat, it will be when I'm out. No cupboards full of temptations.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday my dear!
    (Holiday weekend over here, but it's for the Fourth of July ;-)
