Friday, May 30, 2014

Day 9: Selfie


I had my hair cut again yesterday. This morning I had another go at taking a selfie. The only other time I've done it was when I originally had my hair cut short a few months ago - that time I took them in the bathroom mirror. Today I tried just holding up the phone and it was actually easier, the phone didn't get in the way. I am so hip and with it, taking selfies! I took lots and deleted most of them, these are the best two:

I was, of course, pretty unhappy with all of them. Photos are always such a shock. Mirrors aren't quite so unkind, perhaps because you are always moving a bit. I thought I looked pretty good with my new haircut and I even put makeup on specially. But it the photos I just look ... well, fat.

I kept these two, the best two, anyway. I've gone too long avoiding being in photos. I don't want there to be years with no record of me at all.

I did think about the photos quite a bit as I did the shopping. It got me down a little bit, that in most of the photos I looked enormous with a round puffy face, non-existent lips and uneven eyes (in some they looked very lopsided, one eye is still not quite back to normal after the infection). But I refused to let it affect my good resolutions. We do not turn to food for comfort!

I walked yesterday after my haircut but didn't do any formal exercise today. I spent the morning shopping and the afternoon doing housework. Does vacuuming the whole house count?

Food choices are still excellent. Last night, for the first time, I forgot to pre-track what I was going to eat the next day. And this morning was the first time I wavered about my breakfast choice. Connected? But I gave myself a little shake and stayed on track.

We are picking up our puppy tomorrow morning. Everyone is so excited. I'm slightly apprehensive as well, it will be like having a new baby in the house! But looking forward to it too.

Day nine successfully accomplished!

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