Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Sticks may break my bones


You'll be glad to know I'm not going to keep taking photos of all the food you've already seen, only of new things.

I woke at about 5:30, which I often do these days, and couldn't get back to sleep. Tim got up to take Thor out about 6, and then I could hear Thor's little hooves clattering over the kitchen linoleum as he chased his ball around for the next hour. I finally dozed off shortly before I had to get out of bed so I woke all groggy. Not the best start but I had my breakfast (peanut butter toast, tea, cucumber and tomato) and helped get the kids ready for school.

Not raining today! Yay! There was a frosty wind that felt like it was coming straight from snowy mountains, but I wasn't going to let that stop me. Out we went, walking the kids to school then continuing on.

Thor was pulling hard and hurting my hand - I think he is actually quite scared of the wind - so I wasn't really enjoying it. Then something blew into my eye and it was burning and I couldn't see through the river of tears and mascara. Then a big stick fell on my arm (gum trees are notorious for dropping branches). I wasn't really injured but it hurt! And I decided I'd had enough walking for one morning. Blindly limped home. Well, ok, I didn't limp because it was my arm that got hurt not my leg. And I was only half blind. But I'm trying for dramatic impact. Imagine me limping home through sleet, handkerchief to my weeping eye, using my little puppy to guide me! Total one kilometre, less than 15 minutes, not quite the long walk I had planned.

Apparently on the coast there were gale force winds today. I guess we got the dregs of that.

In a way I think low carb days are easier than high carb days. It is easy to plan meals with little or no carbohydrate, but I find it much more difficult to have a day with carbs but almost no fat. How do you eat carbohydrate with no fat? Toast without a spread? Potato without oil? Fruit without ... well ok you don't need fat on fruit.

I'd been really stuck on my novel the past few days, only writing a few hundred words each session. I'm right near the end, but I wasn't sure how the final confrontation was going to play out. But I had some inspiration in the bath last night. Baths and showers are both great for that, as are long walks and long drives. So I did some good writing this morning. And found that chapter ten was over but the book wasn't. Another two, I think, to get it done. Content can take a lot more pages than you expect. At least another chapter for the big finale, and then a final chapter to wind down. I wasn't originally going to have a winding down chapter - I was going to end with a bang. But my writers' group said they always want to know what happens to the characters after all the trauma, and they need a chance to say goodbye.

I had the last of the chicken soup, plus a cucumber and a carrot, for morning tea.
For lunch I had some tuna (in springwater) and made some roasted tomato soup. I was going to have some cheese as well, for fat content, but couldn't fit it in. Also didn't need tea.

Afternoon was more soup, and the cheese I didn't have at lunchtime.

Dinner was steak with onion and mushrooms, asparagus, and various salad vegetables.

The fridge is getting really bare again! I am eating so many vegetables. I wish I had a bit more variety but there aren't that many vegetables I like. I try new ones occasionally. Shopping tomorrow, I'll be able to stock up on cucumbers and baby carrots. I've still got lots of tomato soup left which is a nice change for a big serve of vegetables.

Another good day carb cycling. No difficulties or cravings today.

Starting today, every blog I've visited has words underlined in their post that go to advertisements. I don't click on them, of course, but they are distracting. And a couple have had little video ads pop up at the side, when they never have before. Is anyone else experiencing this? It is really annoying.


  1. Carbs don't have to be starch! Veggies are carbs! And / but I totally disagree re carbs with fats or not. If it's veggies with real butter..ALL GOOD. Starch with fats, yeah, NO. So I would suggest up your veggies, feel free to saute them in olive oil or coconut oil, or a quality organic salad dressing, or butter (real butter) melted on top. Couldn't get much healthier than that! :)

    p.s. was my blog one with ads? I have ZERO ads on mine...only the security tag in the far bottom right corner. There should be no ads or any pop ups. If mine is one, than I think you might have a little virus...the kind that causes pop-ups and ads. I know for sure mine has none. I'm very adamant about NOT being that kind of blogger. :)

  2. Everything I log into has ads. I'm sure it is my computer.

    "Up your veggies", Gwen? Ouch! I've gone from about two serves a day to around ten! I don't see how I can possibly eat any more! I expect the whites of my eyes to turn orange at any moment from all the carrots.
