Monday, February 29, 2016

Still trying


I didn't manage to stick to any kind of diet plan last week and didn't do any exercise, haven't been drinking enough water or meditating or getting any decent sleep, so it is perhaps a little surprising that my weight went down a little, to 81.4 which is back to where I was 4 weeks ago when I started my February dietbet (or rather that was 81.3, close enough). I think my highest was 82.3 kg in between so not really much change. On the good side, that means that my "bad" eating is maintenance at this weight, and the weight I lost in January was "real" weight (not just water loss). On the down side, I haven't made any progress this month.

I am really struggling at the moment with this peri-menopause thing. I've had intermittent symptoms for a couple of years now, but it has suddenly accelerated. Night sweats most nights, often more than once. Hot flushes during the day a couple of times, which I never had before. Itchy palms and wrists (I didn't even realise that was a menopause thing, but apparently it is). Mood swings, generally down into depression. Many days I struggle to find motivation to do anything at all, even things I enjoy. I don't want to go on hormone replacement because I'm worried about the potential health risks, but today I bought some over-the-counter stuff which I'll try. The pharmacist suggested it could be up to a month before I see results, which isn't great, but I'll still be here in a month either way so I might as well start now!

They taste horrible, and are huge. Very hard to swallow.

Also, a minor but very annoying thing, that wart on the sole of my foot came back within a couple of days so I guess I didn't kill it all. I'm still treating it but in the meantime it is uncomfortable to walk on. And gross.

However, I felt mostly well and motivated today and ate well, apart from a mid-afternoon meal-sized snack. Still here. Still trying.


  1. Oh! You poor thing! The menopause symptoms sound positively horrible!

    1. Thanks, some days are hard. But hopefully it will be over soon.

  2. Menopause for me was much like you describe--mood swings, hot flashes, and interrupted sleep! I finally did go on hormone therapy (a patch) after my doctor and I felt the benefits outweighed the risks, and it really helped. I hope the over-the-counter stuff works for you.

    1. It's great to hear that HRT worked for you, it's always an option if things get too bad for too long.

  3. I never had any luck with the over the counter remedies but have heard that they work well for others. This will sound odd but the only thing I've found that helps these symptoms has been losing weight. When I'm heavier, the symptoms are much worse for some reason.

    I'm still plugging away at my weight. If I don't get some off, I know I'll be miserable come summer time.

    Good luck with your symptoms; hope they abate soon!

    1. Thanks, being overweight makes everything worse doesn't it!

  4. My experience is that it lasts for a very long time (I went into menopause after surgery) and it was a good 5-7 years of symptoms. I was also working 60 hours a week and had a couple of kids so was very stressed with the not-sleeping thing. I think you should recognize how fortunate you are that you're not working 12 hour days in an office and can nap occasionally - we all go through this and most of us just have to suck it up and deal. Not trying to sound harsh but I'll call a spade a spade as we say here. You are whining a bit...

    1. Ah, but you see I whine on here, to people who can walk away if they want, so that I don't whine so much to my family who aren't allowed to walk away. This is my venting space where I can say what I want.
